The Road to Happiness Ends in New Hampshire

Every year, CNBC performs a “Top States for Business” study and evaluates a number of different categories including “Quality of Life,” worth 350 points out of 2,500 total points. Last year, New Hampshire received 298 points in this very important category—making it #1 for CNBC’s “America’s Best Places to Live in 2012.” New Hampshire is a healthy, safe, low-tax state that offers a true four-season experience for its residents and visitors. So it’s no wonder that 50% of its current residents are immigrants to the state – a testament to the quality of life New Hampshire offers.
In addition to offering the highest quality of life in the country, New Hampshire has received high points for happiness among its residents. According to MSN’s “10 Happiest States” 2013 study, New Hampshire is one of the happiest states in the U.S. And when researchers at University of Vermont took a stab at measuring state happiness by analyzing positive vs. negative tweets across the country, New Hampshire scored somewhere in the 6.05 to 6.09 range—making it one of the states with the highest number of happy tweeters.
So, are these high quality of life and happiness ratings all hogwash or is settling in New Hampshire really the secret to living the good life? Let’s turn to some experts, Meredith Bay residents, Terry & Pamela Peyton, and see what they have to say about the good life in the Granite State!
Former longtime city residents, Terry & Pamela recently moved into a lakefront Townhome at Meredith Bay. Pamela raved about their experience living in New Hampshire so far saying, “people up here are extremely outgoing and friendly; we’ve yet to meet a single mean person!” Living among such nice people is bound to make someone new to the area feel welcome and happy in their new home. Pamela went on to say that her husband is “a totally different person up here, living the state motto ‘Live Free or Die’ every day.” This fierce passion for living life to the fullest is clear in the spirit of New Hampshire residents. And if you come to call New Hampshire home someday, you’re sure to discover a similar zest for life.
If you’re looking to purchase a year-round residence or a four-season home-away-from-home and enjoy the high quality living environment found in New Hampshire, you should put the state at the top of your list of places to discover and experience.
And if you’re not yet convinced that New Hampshire is the place to be for lifelong happiness, check out this list of 101 Reasons to Move to New Hampshire. If you’re already a New Hampshire resident, what about living here makes you the most happy? Let us know in the comments!